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For Hospitals

Patient liaison, billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution experts.
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Working for you.

Specialist provider used by major health care services across Australia to manage or augment their patient liaison, billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution activities.

How we help

Our services have been tried and tested with countless health care services across Australia.

Quality and Compliance

We have ISO 9001:2015 accreditation, and we adopt procedures which ensure compliance with ACCC and ASIC Debt Collection Guidelines, Trade Practices and Privacy Legislation, and the National Credit Code.


Best Practice

We adopt best practice debt management / debt recovery and debt resolution strategies such as behavioural segmentation, value-t-risk segmentation, targeted intervention, tailored contact strategy, and agent–client pairing.



We are licensed under the specific state or territory regulations where we are engaged in the work of an agent as a collector.


Client Centric

We are committed to dialogue that is transparent and honest with our clients and we work to achieve an important and positive impact across their revenue lifecycle.

Our Hospital and Health Care Financial Management Packages

Our patient liaison, billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution packages are designed with maximum debt collection in mind, while maintaining the vital long-term relationship between you and your patients.


Patient liaison, billing and revenue management.

Our Accelerator Package is designed for us to partner with you throughout the entire revenue cycle, from when a patient first presents to a health care facility, up until eventual payment.

Our goal is debt prevention and we're here to provide hands on support every step of the way.


Billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution

Our Mobiliser Package takes over the account after invoice generation by your team. We work with your customers after invoice generation, prior to or after it falls due, guiding them towards account settlement.

Our goal is debt prevention.


Debt collection & resolution

Our Pathfinder package tackles the final stage of the revenue lifecycle, once your debtors have gone cold.

Our goal is to maximise the return of the aged debt, while engaging productively with your customers to avoid ongoing costs of debt collection.

Overseas and Medicare Ineligible Patients

Patient liaison, billing and revenue management. Patient repatriation.

Overseas and Medicare Ineligible patients often pose a complex problem with billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution. It is expected that the net inflow of tourists, migrants and students will imminently project back to pre-COVID levels increasing the possibility of non-Medicare patient debt accumulation. AusHealth works on early intervention, to reduce the incidence of bad debt and the need for debt recovery.

Our goal is debt prevention.

Mercantile Agent Services

There are times when positive debt recovery procedures fail, requiring stronger action to recover outstanding monies.

Our goal is to work proactively with debtors to maximise the return to the client.

Financial Hardship

Patient liaison, debt collection & resolution

There are times when patients experience financial hardship. This may be because of a number of factors including the amount of debt incurred from treatment or unemployment. Managing a hardship process can be complex. Our program is a fair and equitable pathway for the referral and management of financial hardship claims.

Our goal is to manage the complex process as fair and equitable as possible.

Clinical Coding

Clinical coding and documentation gap analysis. Medicare and billing – compliance and gaps identification.

Headed by Dr Paul Tridgell MB MS BE(Elec) Hons, FRACMA, our Clinical Information Transformation Services provide efficient support by capturing and analysing the wealth of detailed clinical information held within health services, allowing better understanding of financial opportunities and risk; the source and size of potential compliance issues; and reporting accuracy.

Package Comparison

AusHealth Hospitals offers scalable and flexible billing, debt management, recovery & resolutions packages which suit each stage of a health care services revenue lifecycle.
Accelerator Program
Debt Prevention
Mobiliser Program
Payment not due/due
Pathfinder Program
Payment overdue
Solutions Opportunity
Customers / Debtors
Overseas & Medicare ineligible patients
Medicare eligible
Compensable Patients:
  • Motor vehicle accident patients.
  • Workers compensation - employer or insurer.
  • Third party insurer - public liability claim in place, or interstate motor vehicle accident.
Other debtors such as trade receivables, other receivables, contract assets and lease receivables
AusHealth’s Partnership Solutions
On-site at the health care service. AusHealth attending the patient on admissions
Off-site. AusHealth attending the health care service on patient admission
AusHealth attending the health care service on weekdays and weekends
Health care service transfers debt collection after invoice generation (completed by your team) to AusHealth before they become due.
AusHealth supporting debt collection before an invoice is due after it is generated by the health care service.
Health care service transfers debt collection activities after the invoice becomes due to AusHealth
Admitted / Non-admitted Patients. Other Debtors
For planned admissions, patient detail gathering (name and date of birth, etc.)
Public v private election form and National private patient hospital claim form
Eligibility, exemptions and status assessments undertaken
Informed Financial Consent (“IFC”) completed. Patient provided with indicative treatment cost
Payment assurances obtained.
This assurance may take the form of:
  • Credit card
  • Cash
  • Guarantee of Payment by an Insurance Company and excess rates
  • Personal guarantee from a person whose bona fides are verified
  • Other initiatives to ensure that payment for the services is not lost to the health care service
Payment plans negotiated and managed
Financial or compassionate hardship assessments and management
Health fund paperwork and pre-existing condition certificates
Hospital discharge summaries and progress notes for insurance claim purposes
Generating and processing ED/OPD/IPD invoices
Following up with Hospital Coding Teams
Lodging claims with health funds, workers compensation and third parties
Motor Accident Insurance Commission liaison, documentation and information requests
Convenient channels for receiving payments
Eligibility, Exemptions And Status Assessments
Medicare (inc patient consent)
Asylum seeker status
Insurance / health fund
Visa class and status
Overseas student health cover
Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS)
CAFAT, ROMAC or other agreements
State Health Department waivers and special conditions
Reciprocal Health Care Agreements
Hardship assessments
Patient / Other Debtor Debt Management, Recovery and Resolution
Letter of demand / final demand
Outbound phone courtesy calls
Data washing and skip tracing
Field calls (metropolitan & non-metropolitan area)
Investigation and examination summons
Company / business / individual / title searches
Legal advice. Service of documents & attendance at Court. Garnishee orders.
Mortgagee letters
Examination and instalment orders.
Deferments, extensions and negotiated settlements
Bad debt / write-off recommendations
Other mercantile agent services
Best Practice Debt Management Strategies (Patient and Other Debtors)
Clinical Coding
Multi-lingual staff
Debt financing
Accredited interpreter or translator services utilised where appropriate, including sign language interpreters
Credit checks
Behavioral segmentation. Value at risk segmentation. Targeted intervention. Tailored contact strategy. Agent–client pairing
Multiple customer interaction options
Momentum QM System based complaints and issue management
Debt Management Governance
Performance meetings & informal relationship meetings
Improvement or innovation opportunity sharing
Benchmarking hospital charges nationally
Client level trust accounts (independently audited)
Secure fund transfers

Partner with us

Whether it’s an aged or difficult account, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today to get started.
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