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For Work

Keeping your workplace safe, happy and healthy.

Here to help.

AusHealth is the leading provider of workplace drug and alcohol testing, diagnostic device manufacture and sales across Australia.

Popular Services

Keeping your team healthy and protected at work is a key pillar of productivity. Equip your team with our most popular services.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Did you know that alcohol is the most common drug Australians seek treatment for? While alcohol consumption is a large part of many cultures, including Australians, it can have a number of negative side effects when exploited.

Employee Vaccinations

Did you know flu vaccination can reduce the risk of flu illness by between 40 and 60 percent? Immunisation is the best possible protection against influenza and the most important way to reduce the number of flu infections and deaths.

Respiratory Fit Testing

In many of today’s workplace environments, a respirator and a proper respirator fit test are critical components of employee respiratory protection. A respirator fit test ensures that the highest respiratory protection levels are achieved.

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