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Home / Our Services / For Hospitals / For Hospitals Mobiliser


Billing and revenue management, debt collection & resolution

AusHealth’s Mobiliser Package allows us to guide your patients and trade debtors towards on-time account settlement - once your team has issued an invoice.

Key to timely account settlement is our fast-track understanding and assessment of post-invoice risk factors. To this end, we apply selective and universal debt prevention protocols based on advanced customer/debtor analysis and debt segmentation techniques in a manner which balances maximum recovery while maintaining relationships.

Who benefits?

Mobiliser protocols enhance account settlement results with:

Overseas and Medicare ineligible patients


Medicare eligible patients. Out of pocket costs


Compensable patients:

• Motor vehicle accident patients.
• Workers compensation - employer and insurer.
• Third party insurer - public liability claims or interstate motor vehicle accidents.


Other debtors

such as trade receivables, other receivables, contract assets and lease receivables.


• Payment plans and third-party payment assurances. Guarantor arrangements.
• Health fund and third-party debt funder administration.
• Gofundme arrangement liaison.
• Eligibility, exemptions and status assessments.
• Financial and compassionate hardship assessments.
• Billing and revenue management.
• Advanced mercantile agent services.
• Debt collection.
• Overseas patient repatriation back to home country (simple repatriation to intensive care).

Why Mobiliser?

Patient engagement

Efficient and timely engagement with patients

Leading Recovery Rates

Significant potential for debt reduction.

Compassionate Service

Greater emphasis on the customer’s financial experience.

Reduced Risk

Reduced debt period minimises debt risk.


Mitigate reputational damage with stakeholders, governments, investors and public.

Mitigate Risk

Mitigates compliance risks (particularly in respect of ACCC and ASIC Guidelines).

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