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Debt collection & resolution

Our Pathfinder Program provides a proven pathway to manage debtors at the back end of the revenue lifecycle.

When debtors have ‘gone cold’, we use Pathfinder to maximise the return of outstanding debt whilst positively engaging with the debtor. Pathfinder combines superior debtor interaction with techniques such as profiling, segmentation, skip tracing, data washing, payment arrangements, hardship assessment, and field calls. And, while we always aim for a positive recovery, we can and have undertaken legal action to recover outstanding monies subject to a client’s position – and with consideration of time, stress and cost.

Who benefits?

AusHealth has achieved exceptional debt collection results with the Pathfinder Program with the following groups of patients:

Overseas and Medicare ineligible patients


Medicare eligible patients. Out of pocket costs


Compensable patients:

• Motor vehicle accident patients.
• Workers compensation - employer and insurer.
• Third party insurer - public liability claims or interstate motor vehicle accidents.


Other debtors

such as trade receivables, other receivables, contract assets and lease receivables.


• Payment plans and third-party payment assurances. Guarantor arrangements.
• Health fund and third-party debt funder administration.
• Gofundme arrangement liaison.
• Eligibility, exemptions and status assessments.
• Financial and compassionate hardship assessments.
• Billing and revenue management.
• Advanced mercantile agent services.
• Debt collection.
• Overseas patient repatriation back to home country (simple repatriation to intensive care).

Why Pathfinder?

Faster Pace

Creates an immediate sense of urgency for payment.


Brings an objective perspective to finalising receivables.

Cost Effective

Cost-efficient way to recover monies owed.

Resolved Sooner

Helps mitigate the risk of dispute which increases with older debt.

Best Result

Minimises time, financial and reputational risks.

Mitigate Risk

Mitigates compliance risks (particularly in respect of ACCC and ASIC Guidelines).

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