Safety Policy
Safety Policy Statement
AusHealth is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health. Our employees are our most valuable asset and promoting and protecting their physical and mental health is our priority.
We have established and implemented an Integrated Management System, as a framework for managing safety risks and opportunities, compliant with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 ‘Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use’.
To support this end, AusHealth has adopted a Safety Policy.
AusHealth is committed to:
- Ensuring compliance with legislative requirements and current industry standards;
- Eliminating hazards and reducing work health and safety risks using the hierarchy of controls;
- Encouraging consultation and participation of employees in relation to work health and safety issues;
- Establishing safety objectives which are measurable or capable of performance evaluation;
- Providing and maintaining safe systems of work;
- Providing relevant health and safety information, instruction, monitoring, training and supervision to employees, contractors and the public as is necessary to ensure their safety; and
- Providing support and resources to managers and employees to help them fulfill their legal work health and safety duties, and holding them accountable for fulfilling them, without fear of reprisal.
Management is responsible for:
- Implementing the Safety Policy in their area of responsibility;
- Helping to develop, promote and implement health and safety procedures;
- Educating employees in understanding safety procedures and associated legislative requirements; and
- Immediately correcting any unsafe work behaviour of employees, contractors or visitors.
Employees are responsible for:
- Taking care of the health and safety of people who might be affected by their acts or omissions;
- Complying with all health and safety procedures, rules and safe systems of work; and
- Removing themselves from unsafe situations and controlling and reporting safety hazards they identify.
Contractors are responsible for:
- Ensuring their workers use relevant safety equipment and comply with legislative/industry standards; and
- Providing their workers with safety information, training and supervision to ensure health and safety.
AusHealth will continually improve overall safety performance by means of the Integrated Management System, consistent with objectives of its Safety Policy.
Management fully endorses AusHealth’s Safety Policy and the formal Integrated Management System that has been implemented nationally, through all divisions. It is the responsibility of AusHealth employees to ensure it is continually understood, applied and maintained throughout the company.
Copies of our Safety Policy are available on request by contacting us on or on 1800 724 457.