16 February 2021
Alarming rise in drug and alcohol use in the workplace during COVID pandemic
74%* increase in alcohol and drugs in workplaces detected.
Australian workers are increasingly being tested positive for alcohol and drugs in the workplace, a new study by AusHealth shows.
Australian workers are increasingly being tested positive for alcohol and drugs in the workplace, a new study by AusHealth shows.

15 February 2021
Cannabinoids in Australia – Medicinal Products and Workplace Drug Testing
Australia’s Therapeutic Drugs Administration announced on 15 December 2020 a down-scheduling of some low dose cannabidiol (CBD) preparations from Schedule 4 (Prescription Medicine) to Schedule 3 (Pharmacist only medicine).

11 April 2020
What to do if a worker has COVID-19 - Infographic
The info graphic below details the steps to be taken when a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 is found at work. The info graphic can be found at Safework Australia.

9 April 2020
COVID-19 | Dr John Edwards, Drug and Alcohol Testing Toxicology Update
This is a time of great social anxiety and fear. Being in a confined environment, being under stress and maybe having concerns around one's future, financials, security or work — these are all factors that pose considerable risk for vulnerable people.

31 March 2020
Practice Good Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene is crucial in reducing transmission of infections. It includes both hand washing with plain or antimicrobial soap and water, and use of alcohol-based products (gels, rinses, foams) containing an emollient that do not require the use of water.

25 June 2019
Vyvanse: Can the ADHD/weight loss drug show up in a screening?
Drugs and Alcohol